Reconnective Healing

Reconnective Healing® returns us to our optimal state through energy

Reconnective Healing


Restores physical and emotional well-being through energy channeling


Chakra Cleansing

Complete chakra cleansing bringing your energetic body back to balance

Chakra Cleansing

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing encompasses a broad range of therapeutic modalities, all of which focus on channeling healing energy into a client’s body. The practitioner’s role is to help bring energy fields into balance and improve the health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit.

Latest Articles

The Chakras

The Subtle Energy Centers Among yogis, the chakra (Sanskrit for “wheel” or “turning”) has long been known as an “energy station” (Eden, 2008), envisioned as a point of swirling energy, a vortex. Eden also notes that while the term chakra has its origins in India, many cultures have identified and worked with the spiraling centers. …

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The Biofield: The Human Energy Field

The biofield is often referred to as the human energy field (HEF). While the existence of this field was once disputed, scientists now know with almost absolute certainty that one exists (Oschman, 2015). The physical body has an energy counterpart referred to by many names: ethereal body, aura, energy field, bioenergy field, and human energy …

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What is Energy Medicine?

Energy healing is a practice that recognizes that energy is a vital, living, moving force, which is instrumental in determining health and well-being. The primary function of energy healing is to change the frequency of the body’s three main energetic anatomic features—energetic fields, channels, and centers (Dale, 2017) Energy medicine is a domain that deals …

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