What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing promotes self-healing by relaxing the body, releasing tensions, and strengthening the body’s own immune system. Healing is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bringing the recipient into a state of balance and wellbeing on all levels.

Spiritual healing is not linked to a particular religion. It is not faith healing – even very skeptical people can be healed. The word ‘spiritual’ originates from the Latin word ‘spiritus’ meaning ‘breath of life’. The spiritual aspect refers to spiritual energy working at a deep level on our spiritual being. The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with ‘Universal’ or Divine energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit.

Components of healing:

  • Universal energy or spiritual force (non-religious) can be directed by intention
  • When focused on the human body, via the aura (human energy field), it raises the ‘spiritual vibrations’ of that person
  • This improves health and allows one’s highest nature to unfold
  • For optimum healing, repeated treatments needed to overcome the body’s inertia
  • When people are ill, it is common for them to say that they are ‘low in energy’; conversely when people are healthy, we talk about them bursting with energy.

Effects of healing:

  • Reduced pain
  • Deepening inner peace / Lightening of burden
  • Alleviation of physical symptoms
  • Sense of connectedness with the Universe
  • Increased vitality

Ailments and disorders that have tested favorably to Reiki treatment include:

Post-operative pain after tooth extraction

  • Cognition in elderly, related to dementia/Alzheimer’s
  • Pre-operative relaxation and post-op pain
  • Pain in chronically ill patients
  • Depression and stress

Where can I get an energy healing?

You may be thinking, where can I find an energy healer near me? Which leads to the question, is it necessary to have a healing in person in order to see healing results?

The answer is no! Many healing sessions, like the ones I do, are often done remotely. They typically entail a phone call before, the healing session, and a phone call after in order to debrief. There have been many studies done that show the positive effects of energy healing modalities like reiki, which have shown that Reiki is an effective approach in relieving the pain, no matter if done remotely or in person.