The Biofield: The Human Energy Field

The biofield is often referred to as the human energy field (HEF). While the existence of this field was once disputed, scientists now know with almost absolute certainty that one exists (Oschman, 2015).

The physical body has an energy counterpart referred to by many names: ethereal body, aura, energy field, bioenergy field, and human energy field. The HEF and the physical body interact with each other, and an understanding of their interrelationship is the basis of energy healing and effective therapeutic treatment.

Many people can sense the bioenergy Fields of heat and other measurable energies that emanate from the human body. Healers are especially adept at interpreting these sensations and discerning whether they are indicative of specific energy blocks or psychological states that may lead to diseases or illnesses. When the energy Flow is blocked or distorted, a natural healthy balance cannot be maintained, and states of disease become evident. Contaminated foods, environmental toxins, parasites, chronic viral infections, surgery, emotional trauma, and negative thought patterns all have the potential to interfere with a person’s energy flow.

Some of the fields sensed by healers appear to involve energies that conventional science has difficulty assessing; auras are just one example. Healers can diagnose an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions by examining his or her aura (Benor, 2004).

The work of William A. Tiller, PhD, one of the world’s leading scientists on solid-state physics and psychoenergetics, posits that our eyes detect only a small fraction of the total electromagnetic spectrum and our ears detect only a small fraction of the total available sound spectrum. It can be suggested, therefore, that most of us detect only one band in the total spectrum of reality but that some individuals are cognitively aware of the normally unseen bands (Tiller, 2002).

McTaggart (2008) states, “Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other living thing in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and the omega of our existence” (p. xiii). Energy healers believe the energy field must be tapped for healing to take place. McTaggart states that the human energy field is the force responsible for the human mind’s highest functions. It is an integral part of our heart, our mind, and our memory, and, as Einstein once said, it is “the only reality” (McTaggart, 2008).

A growing body of scientific data provides support for the concept of a biofield. So far, three categories of biofield measurement from humans have been researched: (1) high-voltage electrophotography, (2) electrodermal testing (EDT), and (3) natural light emission called biophotons (extremely low-level visible light emission from organisms). EDT is more clinically useful than the other methods, which have fewer clinical applications and are still considered tools for exploration in basic clinical research (Rubik, 2014). Biofield therapies show positive physical changes on living systems, including human beings. More direct evidence of the biofield has been gathered by measuring changes in the practitioner’s or the patient’s biofield before and after biofield therapy or before and after other energy medicine interventions (Rubik, 2014). Further research is needed to refine and standardize the measurements of the biofield as well as explore its relevance to health, disease, and healing.

The Seven Auric Layers of the Human Energy Field

Scientists have been investigating and substantiating the existence of the aura, the field that surrounds the entire body, for over a hundred years (Dale, 2017). According to Brennan (2017), the human energy field (aura) has several components and can be divided into at least seven layers encompassing the body. These layers radiate out from the body and are connected with each of the seven basic chakras. Some scientists propose that “plasma” (tiny subatomic particles) exists in a state between energy and matter, while others suggest the human energy field is made of ether, an element comparable to a negative mass, or a hollowed-out space. Each layer has its own frequency and its own color. Each layer is also connected through the chakras to the physical body. The characteristics of each layer are described below (Brennan, 2017; Dale, 2017).

First Layer: Ethereal Body

  • The ethereal layer lies closest to the body and is the energy matrix within which bodily tissues are formed prior to manifesting into physical form.
  • This layer has the same structure as the physical body, including all the anatomical parts and organs.
  • This energy field sets up the matrix in the shape of the body parts prior to their cellular growth in their ultimate physical form, and it does so before the cells materialize physically.
  • Just 0.25 to 2 inches in width, light blue to gray in color, the ethereal layer is composed of a sparkling web of energy lines upon which the physical matter of the body tissues is shaped and anchored.

Second Layer: Emotional Body

  • This layer, which is associated with emotions and feelings, follows the outline of the physical body and penetrates the ethereal field.
  • Extending about 3 inches beyond the physical body, the emotional body comprises all the colors of the rainbow in constant fluid motion.
  • The colors of this layer become clearer and more vivid when they are influenced by highly energized feelings such as love, excitement, joy, or anger.
  • Confused and depressive feelings tend to muddy and darken the hue of this layer.

Third Layer: Mental Body

  • The third aural layer is associated with thoughts and mental processes.
  • Appearing predominantly as a bright yellow light radiating about the head and shoulders, the third layer extends about 3 to 8 inches from the body.
  • It extends and brightens as the owner concentrates on mental processes.
  • Thought forms appear as blobs of bright yellow with additional colored hues emanating from the emotional layer.

Fourth Layer: Astral Body

  • Through this layer and its associated chakra Filter all the energies, thoughts, and experiences that ultimately affect us emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
  • The fourth layer is infused with the rose color of love.
  • This layer is considered the dividing band between the lower and upper auric layers and is associated with the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the main energy center through which all energies must pass as they move from one auric layer and from one reality to another.
  • Spiritual energy must pass through the heart chakra (and this layer) to be transformed into physical energy.
  • Conversely, physical energy transforms to spiritual as it exits through the heart chakra. It extends 6 to 12 inches beyond the body.

A great deal of interaction takes place between people on the astral level. Brennan (2017) claims she can observe energy forms exchanging between a man and a woman fantasizing about lovemaking. She claims there is a way to test energy Fields to see whether the Fields between two individuals are synchronous and whether the people are compatible. She adds that when people form relationships, they grow cords out of the aura Fields, through the chakras that connect them. The longer the relationship, the more cords there are and the stronger they are. When the relationship ends, the cords are torn, often causing a great deal of pain (heartache) until they disconnect and reroute within the self.

Fifth Layer: Etheric Template Body

  • This layer contains all the forms that exist on the physical plane in a template or blueprint form, like a negative; hence it is known as the template body.
  • This template of the body is projected to the etheric layer (First layer) where body tissues are materialized on the grid matrix upon which the physical body grows.
  • This layer extends 1.5 to 2 feet from the body.
  • When distortion in the etheric layer is detected, energy healing work is necessary in the template layer to provide support for the etheric layer in its original template form.
  • To the attuned healer, the template form contains the entire structure of the auric field, including chakras, body organs, and body forms in a negative blueprint format.
  • This layer connects physical reality with other realities.

Sixth Layer: Celestial Body

  • The sixth layer, or celestial body, is the emotional level of the spiritual plane, through which one experiences spiritual ecstasy. One can achieve this experience through meditation and other forms of transformation.
  • From this transformation, one can reach a point of “being,” where one knows his or her connection with the universe. It is a place where individuals feel immersed in the Light and feel they are part of it and it is part of them. They feel they are at one with the Source.
  • When the open celestial chakra connects with the open-heart chakra, one experiences unconditional love of all humanity, of humans in the Flesh, and of spiritual love that goes beyond the physical to all realms of reality.
  • The sixth layer extends 2 to 3.25 feet from the body in a shimmering opalescent pastel light.
  • It appears to radiate from the body like the glow around a candle.

Seventh Layer: Ketheric Field or Causal Body

  • The causal body is sometimes considered the closest thing to the soul.
  • The record of all that a soul has experienced on the physical earthly plane (during current as well as past lives) is believed to be contained in an individual’s causal body.
  • This mental level of the spiritual plane extends about 2.5 to 3.5 feet in an oval shape around the body.
  • It comprises a shimmering light of golden-silver threads, pulsating at a very high frequency and holding the whole auric form together.
  • It has a thin protective layer on the outside, rather like an eggshell, which protects the enclosed Fields.

This golden field supplies the main power current that runs up and down the spine and nourishes the entire body. As this current pulsates up and down the spine, it carries energy through the roots of each chakra and connects them to the energies that the chakras carry into the body. The seventh layer can be perceived only through the experience of enlightenment—the level of one’s divine self.